0403 337 772
Partnerships Hub, 10 Eucalyptus Road, Glenside SA 5065
The original Friends of Veterans formed in 1987 as a small and dedicated band of volunteers who consistently rose to the occasion to support the services provided by the Repatriation Hospital. This extraordinary group donated over one million dollars to the hospital in equipment and amenities, providing additional benefits to clients. Unfortunately, the association wound up in line with the closure of the Repat Hospital in late 2017. Justin Brown and Darren Renshaw chose to reactivate The Friends of the Veterans Association in late 2018 in response to requests from members of the public wishing to donate money in support of The Jamie Larcombe Centre. Both Justin and Darren took on this role in a volunteering capacity. At the time the JLC had no formal mechanism for receiving money and was not regulated to fundraise. The JLC had very little finance outside of its operating budget that could be used for the additional benefit of clients. | |
The established objectives of the association was to complement the service at The Jamie Larcombe Centre and Partnerships Hub in any charitable way by the provision of equipment, amenities, education, activities and events that improved the health and wellbeing of veterans, their families, staff, and volunteers at the Centre. Under the auspices of the “Friends” funding provided additional gym equipment, supported the establishment of a client sensory room, developed kid’s packs and a storyboard for Herbie’s Run to honour the life of South Australian Sapper, Darren Smith and his working dog Herbie and established a Repat courtesy vehicle, just to name a few very worthy projects. Unfortunately, Justin moved on to a different job and it became increasingly harder to keep the association afloat. The difficult decision to be made was either wind up the affairs of the association or hand over the reins to another organisation that not only had good support behind them but could operate the charity in line with the established rules and of course provide ongoing support to the JLC. It came as no surprise that Bill Bates and his team from Operation Unity (SA) came to the rescue. |
Operation UnityThe first support given by Operation Unity took place on 8 July 2016 when money was raised for Heart Kids SA. That initiative took place as a show of support for a Veteran and his family after the loss of a baby to heart disease. Since that time, we have raised money for: OPK9 via See Differently (previously known at the Royal Society for the Blind); Legacy SA & Broken Hill; Trojans’ Trek; Biggest Morning Tea; Mitochondrial Disease; Greatest Shave; Houghton/Inglewood Sports Development and Soldier On. The team first came together to facilitate an EXPO and put together a meal for eighty Veterans ‘doing it tough’, current serving ADF members and other Veterans. That was a significant undertaking which took place on Friday 23 November 2018. Another two EXPO’s have been undertaken since that time. Veterans, current serving ADF members, Police Officers, Firemen, Ambulance Officer and their families have been assisted and/or supported by Operation Unity during its existence. A grant was applied for from DVA Canberra and administered by Operation Unity to purchase plant and equipment improving facilities for the Diggers Program conducted by Fallen Forge at Edinburgh to assist Veterans from all branches of the armed forces. Operation Unity has been working hand in hand with RSL Care SA to supply meals and social interaction for occupants of the Andrew Russell Veteran Living Centre (ARVL) almost since the inception of ARVL. Meals have also been supplied for the RSL Care SA Angle Park and Campbelltown facilities. Many items of furniture and white goods have been donated to the facilities either directly from Operation Unity, or via third parties. |
On 20 March 2020, our Founder joined The Friends of the Veterans Association Inc. to enhance the support Operation Unity could facilitate.
An official merger was recognised between Operation Unity SA and FOVA at an event on 17 April 2024. As a result Operation Unity also supports the Jamie Larcombe Centre - Veterans' Mental Health Precinct, Glenside (JLC).